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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rhythm: Story

Everyday Rhythms Of Life

What are the everyday rhythms of life?  It's simple.  God in his infinite wisdom created everything including us, and he set in order the rhythms by which his creation would dance. We have been studying together at West Valley what our IDENTITY(who we are) really is--family--worshippers--servants--missionaries.  I want to now begin to explore God's RHYTHMS(how we live) and see how our IDENTITY(who we are) is lived out in the regular RHYTHMS(how we live) of life.  I will post a new rhythm throughout the week. 
STORY FORMED:  As I was growing up I always pictured the Bible as a bunch of stories randomly put into one big book called the Bible.  This of course was false but I believe this is a common view of the Bible.  Jesus pointed out that the scriptures were one big story book that is about himLuke 24:27 And nbeginning with oMoses and pall the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. 
Luke 24:44 ¶ Then he said to them, k“These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, lthat everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”

It is key that as Christians we begin to understand "the story" not just random stories.  They all point to Jesus.  As we begin to understand "the story" we will begin to understand how our lives fit into this story, and will see the importance of sharing our stories with each other.  I should be able to see how the events of my day, year, life intersect with what God is doing in the world presently.  The Bible is full of people telling their stories.  They are communicating what God was doing in their life, moved by the Holy Spirit, to understanding of "the story".  
There is great joy in knowing that the story is about Jesus and how he has finished the work in totality on the cross.  If we know "the story" we will better know how to gospel each other on a daily basis, and leave off from legalistic morality that is a complete misinterpretation of the story of God.  Every Bible study we do ought to be interpreted in light of "the story".  Now there is no separation between life and Bible stories.  
Story is the highest mode of communication.  Every culture, from every period of time, has communicated through story.  God knows what he is doing in giving us a gigantic perfect story delivered by the Holy Spirit breathed out by God. It's ok to talk about Jesus and the gospel (good news) this true story has a great ending.  
A great resource for further study would be "God's Big Picture" by Roberts.  

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