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Monday, July 27, 2009

Gracious Concealment

God points out to Moses that his goodness + sovereignty= His glory. (Exodus 33:19) I take great comfort in knowing God can do whatever in the world He wants to because He is good.  Not just good but goodness. But then God says, "you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live."(Exodus 33:20). 

This is gracious concealment.  There was as much grace in that concealment as there was in the manifestation. This is not like concealer by "cover girl".  When makeup wears off it can reveal that "da barn does need paintin." Not so with God. God's barn needs no painting, it's just that God knows we were born in a barn and that we need baby steps in order to fully appreciate who He really is. If we knew how depraved we really are, we would die.  
Remember brothers and sisters, that when God does not tell us everything we would like to know, there is as much grace in His withholding info as there is in any of His gracious revelations to us. Sometimes when I read the scriptures I wish I knew more background and context in the lives of the saints but I am realizing there is as much grace at what He has not put into the Bible as in what He has put there.  Some people spend all their time trying to come up with something new that no man has ever seen before in the scriptures.  They go too far beyond what is written and focus on fern seeds all the while there are fatty elephants standing before them(C.S.Lewis). There is a point to which we may go and no further.  Happy is the dude who accepts this.  What has God revealed to us today?  Are we content to walk in that revelation obediently, or do we say "not until I know more about such and such?"      

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