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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Liquid Direction

I love watching a powerful river.  There is something captivating about a mighty flowing river bouncing up and down as it moves over obstacles beneath.  What is the reason for such powerful flow?

1.  Constant intake from it's source.
2. Riverbanks

A river is a perfect picture of organic organization of liquid direction.  I believe life is very similar.  I believe the church is very similar.

My life cannot flow without the source of life--Jesus.
The life that Jesus gives me needs to be channeled through the priorities he has given to me--this requires organization, prioritizing, planning, and structure.  I need to be able to say yes to what Jesus wants me yess-ing to, and no to what he wants me no-ing to, in order for my passion to flow intensely.  

The church is the same way.  Yes, the church is to be fluid and organic, but as it grows people soon realize riverbanks are needed, and higher and higher riverbanks at that.  The riverbanks are there to simply guide the fluidity--not hinder it.  I think this is where much of church leadership can go astray.  When we start building river banks for the sake of building river banks, and not building river banks to channel organic fluidity, we are ignoring what leadership and organization is for.  If you say, "we don't need river banks at all" you simply spread out into a stagnant cesspool of shallowness with no direction, conviction, or mission.

Two things I see so clearly for my own life and the church is "liquid direction".

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