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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


God is quite clear on the fact that there are fallen angels who rebelled along with Satan (Rev.12:5) and that these demons are waging war against humans everyday in a dimension we cannot see but know-- just as we know the wind is there without seeing it. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."(Eph.6:12).  We also know that these entities are liars and that Satan is the father of lies.(John 4:44b).  Satan comes against us as an accuser (Rev.12:10) and mill mock you. Satan is a destroyer who is not your friend, but has one purpose and that is to ruin your life with lies.  I am writing this "lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."(2 Cor.2:11) Accusations from demons often come in second person speaker. For example I would not be surprised if you hear things such as, "you are a slut, you deserve what was done to you, you're so ugly and no one likes you, why don't you just kill yourself, you're such a hypocrite", and the list goes on and on.  These are demons whispering in your ear hoping you will believe them over Jesus.  
Satan will come to you, often during a season of God's grace being poured out on you, to rob you of your joy by condemning you.  He will remind you of past sins that Christ died for and that you have earnestly repented of.  In so doing he will attempt to get you to disbelieve in the sufficiency of Jesus' work on the cross for you.  If you believe the lies you will seek to do something in order to merit your own forgiveness, you will be compelled to despair or religion but not to Jesus. 
Satan will use your sincere heart to heap upon you a vague confusion  of false conviction that if not recognized will propel you into deep introspection that only centers you upon yourself as you frantically search for some sin.  This is because Satan mimics God and perverts His work.  When God convicts us of sin we confess and repent and move on.  Satan just brings confusion and depression.  
In these seasons you will find an anchor for your soul by meditating on Romans 8:1, which says, "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."   
In The Screwtape Letters  C.S. Lewis writes, "there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils.  One is to disbelieve in their existence.  The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them."  Let's not be ignorant of our adversary.  

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