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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Delighting In My Sons

Here I am at Grandpa's and Grandma's house again enjoying the 110 degree heat, air-conditioned trailer, beautifully manicured yard, pool, and more than all that--watching my sons have the time of their lives.  

Toby became so daring in the pool.  Last summer he wouldn't have touched the pool.  Now his Grandma somehow had him leaping with all his might into the pool into her arms.  By the end of the day he had completely abandoned his fears and was doing spin jumps into the pool.  The look on his face was sheer priceless and to top it all off, every time Chase would watch Toby jump in he would shout, "ya Pobey ya!" We are so blessed to have the joy of muti-generational family.  I see it function every summer we retreat to Grants Pass.  

This got me thinking about the wisdom that is scattered throughout the scriptures regarding Fatherhood in proverbs.  Proverbs 3:11-12 says, "My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline  or be weary of His reproof, for the Lord reproves him who He loves, as a father the son in whom he delights."

Before a father is ever commanded to discipline his children he is commanded to delight in them.  Practically this means that most of his time is spent enjoying his children, being playful and affectionate with them, singing songs and telling stories with them, enjoying them so those bonds are built, and love and affection begin to grow. 

Ted Tripp author of Shepherding A Child's Heart, has mentioned how this process is like "tying strings".  Every time we love them and delight in them we tie a string to their heart.  Every time we tear them down or step on the sensitive little hearts we cut two strings.  Damaging words have far greater impact than encouraging words have.  This is why "tying strings" is so important.  When discipline is needed we have already delighted in them.  

1 comment:

  1. Delighting in your delight of your boys. Enjoy the blessings of your vacation with family. You are a blessing to our family. Teresa Z
